Inquire. Inform. Influence

About 93% of India’s workforce is informally employed, the largest in the world in terms of magnitude. Migrant workers, who move seasonally from villages to cities, form an extremely vulnerable segment among informal sector workers.

Engaged casually in sectors such as construction, manufacturing and services, informal migrant workers are often disadvantaged due to poor wages, erratic employment and hazardous work conditions. Lack of a domicile proof in their work destinations pushes them out of the scope of public provisioning and government entitlements. Social policy frameworks do not account for the constant mobility in their lives, while a steady dilution of labour protection systems have resulted in greater precarity in the world of work.

About Us

Work Fair and Free conceived and incubated by Aajeevika Bureau, is a knowledge institution driven by a commitment to advance worker-centric knowledge and action, so that informal labour migration can become more secure and dignified. We aim to bring together grounded and rigorous research, insightful policy work, and innovative teaching and training, all supported and informed by impactful practice in urban industrial centres as well as rural migration clusters.

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Companies pledge better worker rights

Divya Varma and Nisarg Joshi speak to CivilSociety magazine. Click here to read.


Powerless and Precarious: Struggles of Surat’s Powerloom Workers

Written by Niveditha GD and Anuraag Srinivasan. Click here to read the full article.


Why should migrants miss the bus?

A scheme to empower women is meaningless if it excludes those who really need it. Written by Divya Varma. Click…

लेबर नाका के दृश्य प्रस्तुतिकरण के लिए चित्र CategoriesMigrantscape

कोरोना के बाद काफी कुछ पटरी पर आ गए है लेकिन अभी दिहाड़ी मजदूरों की ज़िंदगी पटरी पर नहीं आयी है

मुंबई जहाँ हमेशा काम ठीक-ठाक चलता था लेकिन अभी काम की स्थिति इतनी अधिक ख़राब हो गयी कि वर्कर को…


Labour Wrap- April 2022

We carry out both in-house and commissioned research on a range of issues relating to the rights, entitlements and every…


A worker’s finger was lost in the TFO Machine at a power loom unit in Surat

Mr. Prasant Kumar Pania Swain, a migrant worker from the Ganjam district of Odisha moved to Surat to work in…


Mediation for compensation after the death of a migrant worker

The Mumbai team successfully mediated the resolution of a dispute for compensation in the death case of a migrant worker.…


मनीष और उसके पिता की कहानी 

11 वर्षीय मनीष स्कुल में छठीं क्लाय में पढता है। उसके पिताजी पत्थर घड़ाई का काम करते थे। जिससे उन्हे…


Our popular writing in 2020

In addition to our reports and academic work on the the difficulties faced by workers, and specifically migrant workers; we…